Research Teaching Talks

Catalog / Artists’ Books / Printed Matter / 1976–2020 / $48.66

Book Launch & Conversation
March 11, 2021
3 pm EST / 9 pm CET

Please join us for the launch of Catalog / Artists’ Books / Printed Matter / 1976–2020 / $48.66 with Berlin-based artist Samuel Bich in conversation with Executive Director of Printed Matter, Inc. Max Schumann, and art historian Regine Ehleiter.

For Catalog / Artists’ Books / Printed Matter / 1976–2020 / $48.66 Samuel Bich datamined Printed Matter’s full inventory of artists’ books to create a distilled snapshot of the genre. Conceived as a form of documentation-as-art, the catalog consciously inscribes itself into the very archive it contains. As a reproduction of deliberately unedited records and documents, it manifests an alternative history of Printed Matter, Inc. in the form of an artist’s book.

This program took place live on Zoom – you can rewatch the recording here: